Everything you need to know to apply for the italian certificate for sexual offences.
There is something new for those who work with children and young people. It is compulsory as of today to present the anti-pedophilia certificate which is also called sexual offences certificate after the entry into force of Legislative Decree No. 39 of 2014.
What does the certificate of sexual offences declares?
The Italian General criminal record certificate certifies that the person presenting it has not been convicted of offences against minors, i.e. child and virtual pornography, child prostitution, grooming and sex tourism. The offences are those listed in Articles 600-bis, 600-ter, 600-quater, 600-quinquies and 609-undecies of the Penal Code.
Who has to present the certificate of sexual offences?
who is about to get a job, with a regular contract, which involves direct and regular contact with minors. The employer must apply before the contract is concluded. E.g. teachers, sports instructors. Those who work as volunteers for the Onlus, parishes or even sports associations without a form of subordinate work and an employment contract do not have to present it.
Does it also apply to those already working with children?
No. The obligation applies to new employees and not to those already employed, e.g. in schools or gyms.
Who can apply?
The worker directly concerned, but also the employer delegated by the worker.
Where to apply?
TRAMITE ITALIA is in charge of requesting the forms for its clients. The application must be made at the Prosecutor's Office of the Court of reference, local office of the Criminal Records Office. We take care and ensure that the certificates will be issued within a few days of the application.
What is the risk for those who do not present?
If the law is not respected, the employer risks an administrative penalty of 10 to 15 thousand euros.