Birth Certificate
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Italian birth certificates
The Tramite Italia office takes care of obtaining Italian birth certificates for the client. We directly manage the procedure on behalf of the interested party, maintaining direct contact with the various communes in Italy, small or large.
The birth certificates processed by the office are:
Birth Certificate/Extract: contains and certifies the information concerning the act of birth transcribed in the civil status register. The difference between the Certificate and the Extract is that the former does not contain paternity and maternity data, because they are subject to the privacy law. In order to obtain a Certificate with paternity and maternity data, an authorisation of the person concerned or a direct relative is required, as for the Extract.
Full copy of the birth certificate: is a photocopy of the birth certificate transcribed in the civil status register. It is usually issued only once, when the birth is registered. In order to obtain this document, a valid motivation is required.
Baptismal Certificate: contains and certifies the information transcribed in the religious records regarding the rite of baptism. To be valid for citizenship it must be legalised by the Episcopal Curia.
Tramite Italia takes care of obtaining the birth certificates and sending them to our clients personally or by DHL express courier anywhere in the world.
In addition to obtaining certificates/certificates, Trámite Italia can also provide multilingual certificates, i.e. multilingual certificates. This type of certificate is exempt from legalisation and translation.
For certificates that are not issued in multilingual, the Trámite Italia office collaborates with several partner translators who provide legalised translations and apostille the certificates according to the Hague Convention.
These certificates cannot be obtained from Italian consulates abroad but only directly from the competent communes.
Italian ecclesiastical birth certificates
Prior to the creation of the Italian civil registry in 1866, birth, marriage and death certificates were issued by the churches, which was the official and communal body that registered the civil acts of Italian citizens.
These Italian ecclesiastical records are kept in the churches in many areas of Italy, and in others they are kept in the dioceses and form part of a large parish archive per commune and per province.
In the Italian ecclesiastical registers, besides the Italian ecclesiastical birth, marriage and death certificates, there is also the stato d'anima, which was the census that the parish priest of the commune carried out house by house to establish the resident population of the community under his charge.
We visit Italian parishes and dioceses, to arrange the necessary documents for your Italian citizenship if your Italian child was born before the creation of the civil registry.
Legalizamos las partidas italianas eclesiásticas obtenidas en la parroquia donde se encuentran , las legalizamos por diócesis y las apostillamos para que estén aptos para el tramite de ciudadania italiana.
Italian Roots, a bridge built between you and those who preceded us on the road...
We locate the village where your Italian avo was born !
Birth Certificates for Italian Citizenship
Birth certificates are often requested by foreign citizens who need to obtain birth certificates of Italian grandparents or great-grandparents in order to apply for Italian citizenship. Our Law Firm is in charge of managing the entire Italian citizenship application by obtaining all the missing birth certificates required for the Italian citizenship application.
Research of acts
Trámite Italia is responsible for researching and finding records and certificates of living or deceased family descendants. This type of search for ancestors can be very time-consuming for inexperienced people. For this reason, we always advise our clients to leave the work to a firm that is in charge of the search for family certificates.
Often these searches become even more complicated when people were born before 1866 as birth registers were kept by parishes.