Fines for those who do not register in AIRE from 2024 onwards

Fine for failure to register in AIRE
From 2024 with retroactive effect for Italians residing abroad there will be administrative penalties of up to 1,000 euros for each year in which they fail to declare their registration in AIRE, the Register of Italians Resident Abroad;
What is AIR?
Enrolment in the AIRE - ANAGRAFE ITALIANI RESIDENTI ESTERI - is a legal requirement for those residing outside Italy. It is a registration office managed by the Municipalities in collaboration with the Consular Representations: the registration is a compulsory requirement for those who move their residence abroad;
Who should register with AIRE?
The AIRE concerns all Italian citizens who transfer their residence abroad for periods longer than 12 months. It should be noted that the obligation is not triggered after 12 months, but from the moment of the transfer: those who already know that they will stay abroad for more than one year can and must register immediately. In fact, the regulation requires this to be done within 90 days of the transfer. The obligation also applies to citizens born abroad of Italian parents (including minors) whose birth certificate has been transcribed in Italy and to those who have acquired Italian nationality but live permanently abroad.
Registering in theAIRE means cancelling one's residence from the lists of the Italian municipality of last residence and transferring it to the foreign State of new residence. The general rule, we remind you, is that you can only have one residence: in Italy or abroad.
Why register with AIRE?
First of all, because it is not only a right, but also a duty of Italian citizens living abroad; above all, because the AIRE is the prerequisite, among other things, to benefit from numerous consular services such as the renewal of documents, passports and identity cards when possible, and above all to be able to transcribe the birth of one's children in case of change of civil status and, finally, to exercise the right to vote abroad.
The novelties of the new law.
From 1 January 2024, the role of the municipality will change and there will also be a greater active involvement of Italian municipalities, which will now be entrusted not only with the burden of inspections, but also with the subsequent remuneration of fines.
The settlement of penalties is notified, under penalty of forfeiture, before 31 December of the fifth year following that in which the non-compliance occurs; those who have been residing abroad for more than five years and have never registered with the AIRE, for example, may only be penalised for the last five years.
Retroactivity of the law
The Budget Law is not retroactive, so penalties cannot be applied to those who were registered with AIRE before the new law came into force;
In addition, it is not possible to register retroactively and registration starts from the date of application on the FAST IT portal.
Tramite Italia advises you to register with AIRE and to do so as soon as possible, also because it is likely that the municipalities are not yet ready to pay the fines. Our offices are at your disposal to help you regularise your situation with your AIRE municipality;