The FAST IT portal created by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation is a telematic tool that allows Italian citizens living abroad to access various services and information without having to physically go to the consular offices.
The portal is now active in all Italian consular offices around the world but still only the minimum services are offered online.
AIRE registration
The FAST IT portal in most Italian consular offices is offered to allow Italian citizens residing in Italy to submit online, by telematic means: registration with AIRE and change of address within the same consular district, as well as the possibility of monitoring the status of the application submitted and interacting with the consular office. Therefore, it is possible to carry out the entire procedure without the need to travel to the Consulate.
In order to access the Fast it portal, you must first register online. Please note that in a while access to the portal will only be possible with the SPID.
We also inform you that at the same time as the introduction of the new functionalities offered by the portal, it will no longer be possible to send applications for AIRE registration and change of address by e-mail.
Users registered on the Fast It portal can also view a summary of the data in the consular file.
If the user has already registered without having used the portal, for example in the case of an AIRE registration completed before the activation of Fast It, he/she will be asked online to attach a copy of a valid identity document to verify the identification of the person concerned.
The portal is constantly evolving and will soon offer many more services.