How to apply for the Italian ID in Spain
When an Italian moves to Spain, the biggest nightmare is to renew the Italian passport and the carta d'identità.
In Spain until 2021, the fastest application was the renewal of the passport and the delay to get the paper carta d'identità was almost 1 year. The delay to get the carta d'identità was so long that many Italians did not apply for it any more and gave up the procedure.
From 2021 the Italian consulates in Spain and in particular the Italian consulate in Madrid and the Italian consulate in Barcelona have started to issue the electronic Italian identity card.
With the change to the electronic Italian ID card, the number of requests from Italian citizens has increased enormously, also in order to have an alternative to the passport for foreigners' procedures and day-to-day dealings with the Spanish authorities and administration, given that the NIE or residence permit for EU citizens must always be accompanied by a photo ID document such as the Italian passport or the electronic Italian identity card (carta d'identità italiana electrónica).
Price of the Italian Identity Card
One of the reasons why the demand for the Italian identity card is so high is also because of the price of the Italian ID card.
the application fee for the electronic identity card is 21,95 euro. The fee to be paid to the Italian Consulate for the issuance of the Italian passport is 116 Euro.
Where can I travel with the carta d'identità ?
The Italian ID card allows you to travel to many countries. In particular in all the countries of the European Community, but not only. Here is the list of where you can travel with the Italian Identity Card.
all EU countries, Vatican City, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Principality of Monaco, San Marino, Switzerland, Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Gibraltar, Martinique, Montenegro, Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Canary Islands (autonomous territory of Spain), Azores, Madeira, Guadeloupe, Reunion Island, Egypt (but requires an entry visa), Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey.
Who can apply for an italian ID in Spain - CARTA D'IDENTITÀ ITALIANA
The new Electronic Identity Card - CIE - can only be applied for by Italian citizens who are legally resident in Spain and who are already registered and registered in the consular register, anagrafe A.I.R.E. through the FAST IT portal (Anagrafe degli Italiani Residenti all'Estero).
How long does it take to get the Carta d'identità in Spain ?
Delivery delays vary according to the time of year and depending on which Italian consulate in Spain is competent for our jurisdiction.
Applying for the identity card in Barcelona
Incredibly, applying for the carta d'identità italiana is the only procedure that is quicker in Barcelona than at the consulate in Madrid.
Processing Italy from the moment the processing of the carta d'identità starts, it is expected to be delivered in about 3 months in Barcelona, from the moment the processing of the carta d'identità starts.
all Italian citizens registered in Aragón - Huesca, Teruel, Zaragoza -, Catalonia - Barcelona, Gerona, Lérida, Tarragona -, Comunidad Valenciana - Alicante, Castellòn, Valencia -, Murcia - Cartagena, Murcia -, Balearic Islands - Cabrera, Formentera, Ibiza, Mallorca, Menorca - and the Principality of Andorra.
Applying for the identity card in Madrid
Applying for the carta d'identità italiana in Madrid is slower than at the consulate in Barcelona.
The application process between the Madrid and Barcelona consulate is different but usually takes about 3 to 5 months as the Madrid consulate gives priority to those who do not have another valid identity document. This means that Italian citizens who already have an Italian passport will be dealt with by the consulate with lower priority.
all Italian citizens registered in Andalucía (Almería, Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén, Málaga, Sevilla), Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla -León (Burgos, León, Palencia, Salamanca, Segovia, Valladolid, Zamora), Castilla la mancha (Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Soria, Toledo), Ceuta, Madrid Comunidad Autónoma, Extremadura (Badajoz, Cáceres), Galicia (A Coruña, Lugo, Orense, Pontevedra), La Rioja, Melilla, Navarra, País Vasco-Euskadi (Álava, Guipúzcoa, Vizcaya)
Apply for the identity card in Arona
Applying for a carta d'identità italiana in Arona is slower than at the consulate in Barcelona and in line with the Italian consulate in Madrid.
The application process at the consulate in Arona is the same as the application process at the consulate in Madrid and usually takes about 3 to 5 months.
All Italian citizens registered in the Canary Islands now depend on the Italian Vice-Consulate in Arona in Tenerife.
Applying for a carta d'identità in Italy
Sometimes waiting 3 to 5 months to have a valid Italian document such as the electronic carta d'identità is not among the options for Italian citizens in Spain who have become undocumented.
Lately, for various reasons, for example when banks block your accounts because you do not have a valid identity document, our office Tramite Italia can organise the procedure to obtain the identity card in Italy urgently within the day and be able to return to Spain with a valid document.