Consulates of Italy in Netherland - Holland
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- Consulates of Italy in Netherland - Holland
Directory of Italian consulates in Netherland - Holland
Email: amsterdam.onorario@esteri.it
Phone: +31 020 8950905
a) reception and physical transmission to the Embassy of Italy in The Hague of civil status documents received from local authorities, Italian nationals or masters of national or foreign ships or aircraft;
(b) receipt and physical transmission to the Embassy of Italy in The Hague of declarations on the marital status of masters of ships and aircraft, or of witnesses.
c) reception and physical transmission to the Embassy of Italy in The Hague of wills made on board ships and aircraft by Italian nationals;
d) urgent initial investigation activities in case of maritime or air accidents or accidents on board national ships, pleasure craft or aircraft, after consultation on a case-by-case basis with the Embassy of Italy in The Hague.
e) receipt and transmission to the Embassy of Italy in The Hague of applications for entry on the electoral register and electoral rolls in Italy submitted by citizens residing in the territorial jurisdiction of the Honorary Consular Post.
f) administrative authentication of signatures, in the cases provided for by law.
g) delivery of certificates, issued by the Embassy of Italy in The Hague
h) endorsements and legalisations;
i) receipt and physical transmission to the Embassy of Italy in The Hague of documents relating to the issue of passports of citizens residing within the territorial jurisdiction of the Honorary Consular Post; direct delivery to holders of passports issued by the Embassy of Italy in The Hague and return to the Embassy of Italy in The Hague of delivery receipts.
j) receipt and forwarding to the Italian Embassy in The Hague of documentation relating to applications for the issue of the Emergency Travel Document - EVD - submitted by Italian citizens and citizens of EU Member States, after having received the report of the theft or loss of the passport or other travel document and after having carried out the appropriate checks, as provided for in Article 71 of Presidential Decree No 445 of 28 December 2000, on the veracity of the replacement declarations, in accordance with Articles 46 and 47 of the aforementioned Presidential Decree; delivery of the VEDs, issued by the Consular Post of first category, valid for a single journey. 445 of 28 December 2000 on the veracity of replacement declarations of identity, pursuant to Articles 46 and 47 of the above Presidential Decree; surrender of EADs, issued by the Consular Post of first category, valid for a single journey to the Member State of which the applicant is a national, to the country of permanent residence or, exceptionally, to another destination.
k) receipt and forwarding to the Embassy of Italy in The Hague of documentation relating to applications for the issue of identity documents - submitted by Italian citizens resident in the district of the Honorary Consular Post after having carried out the appropriate checks, as provided for in Article 71 of Presidential Decree No 445 of 28 December 2000, on the veracity of the replacement declarations of identity referred to in Articles 46 and 47 of the aforementioned Presidential Decree; direct delivery to the holders of identity documents issued in The Hague and physical return to the Italian Embassy in The Hague and physical return to the Honorary Consular Post of the same. 445 of 28 December 2000 on the veracity of the replacement declarations referred to in Articles 46 and 47 of the said Presidential Decree; direct delivery to the holders of identity cards issued in The Hague and physical return to the Embassy of Italy in The Hague of the cards signed by the latter.
l) reception and transmission to the Embassy of Italy in The Hague of documents relating to applications for entry visas;
m) assistance to compatriots in need or in temporary difficulties and preliminary activities for the granting of grants or loans with a promise of repayment to the Treasury by the Italian Embassy in The Hague.
n) the performance of collateral tasks, without prejudice to the powers of the Embassy of Italy in The Hague, relating to the formation and updating of recruitment lists, as well as the investigation of practices for the regularisation of the recruitment status of evaders, for the purpose of the administrative removal of the note of renunciation from the general list of evaders. Recruitment powers are excluded;
o) carry out the operations required by the legislation in force in connection with the arrival and departure of a national ship and keep the relevant records;
p) receipt and transmission to the Embassy of Italy in The Hague of documents relating to applications for the issue, renewal or validation of ship or seafarers' security certificates (endorsement); delivery of such certificates, issued by the Embassy of Italy in The Hague.
q) service of documents on Italian nationals residing in the district of the Honorary Office, by notifying the competent Italian authority and, for information, the Embassy of Italy in The Hague;
r) collaboration in the updating by the Italian Embassy in The Hague of the file of resident compatriots;
s) maintenance of the local authority signature file;
Email: denhaag.embitaly@esteri.it
Phone: +31703021030
Email: willemstad.onorario@esteri.it
Phone: 0059997375973