What Is The Difference Between Residence Permit, NIE, CUE and TIE?

What is the difference between a TIE, CUE and NIE residence permit?
If you want to apply for a residence permit, TIE or CUE or an NIE in Spain, it is important to understand the difference between the three. Here you will discover the requirements and important aspects of obtaining a residence permit or NIE, and how they apply to your situation;
What is a residence permit?
A residence permit is a document that allows you to live and work legally in Spain. It must be renewed every 5 years for non-EU citizens and is indefinite after the first renewal after 5 years for EU citizens and is limited to foreigners who meet the established requirements for residency. Applying for a residence permit involves several steps, such as submitting the necessary documents, an interview with Spanish immigration authorities, and payment of the relevant fees;
What is an NIE?
The Foreigners Identification Number (NIE) is a mandatory document for all foreigners in Spain. It consists of 8 digits and letters and serves as official identification for public registration. Once assigned, the NIE allows the foreigner to conduct many banking activities, open financial accounts and process other documents in Spain. It should be noted that a foreigner can have an NIE number without necessarily having a residence permit and vice versa;
How can I apply for an NIE in Spain?
The NIE must be obtained within 3 months of your arrival in Spain if you are here with a residence permit. If you are here without a residence permit, you must obtain the NIE before applying for a permit. The NIE is needed for almost all administrative activities done in Spain, whether to open a bank account, to buy a vehicle or even to work legally.
How can I apply for the NIE outside of Spain?
If you are outside of Spain and need the NIE, you can obtain it through the Spanish consular authorities in the country where you reside. If for some reason the Spanish consulates cannot issue the NIE number, you can always sign an authorization in favor of Tram Italia legalized by the Spanish consulate so that we can apply for the NIE on your behalf in the corresponding community.
If you cannot go to the nearest Spanish consulate, you can always sign a notarized authorization in favor of Tramite Italia, which will have to be apostilled and translated into Spanish to allow us to apply for the NIE in the corresponding community.
How do you apply for a residence permit?
To obtain a residence permit in Spain, foreigners must submit documentation and apply for it through the form of the Oficina Virtual para la Extranjería. The main requirement is possession of a valid NIE, which is usually obtained at the same time as the residence permit. Once approved, you will receive your residence permit by mail.
What are the requirements for applying for a residence permit?
To apply for a residence permit, applicants must meet certain conditions: a valid, original and legitimate passport, a medical certificate admitted to Spain, and any specific documents related to the reason for the application.
Differences between NIE, TIE , CUE and Legal Residence.
There is a lot of confusion among foreigners between these terms: TIE, NIE and CUE for legal residence;
Legal Residence Permit is the document that accredits permission to reside in Spain;
The NIE is the foreigner identification number granted by Spanish authorities to EU or non-EU persons to perform administrative tasks and it's not a resident permit..
The TIE is an ID card issued along with the residence permit granted to non-EU foreigners to live and work legally in a country; It's an ID for legal residence in Spain.
The CUE, also called green NIE, is a card that must always be accompanied. by a European Community Identity Card issued to EU nationals to live and be legally resident on Spanish territory, this is the document that declares legal residence in Spain;
TIE foreigner's identity card
residence permit is a physical document issued by the Office. This card is commonly known as Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero (TIE) and contains information about your identity and your authorization to remain in Spain.