New way to apply for an Italian passport in Barcelona
As of 10 October 2022, the application procedure for Italian passports has changed for Italians residing in Barcelona, Valencia, Aragon, Andorra, Alicante, Andorra, Balearic Islands and Murcia.
All Italian passport applications previously sent by post from 10 October will no longer be accepted by the Italian consulate in Barcelona and will be considered as not received.
The new passport applications must be requested by Italians resident in Spain and registered in AIRE at the Italian consulate in Barcelona only through the prenot@ami portal and in this case can be withdrawn in Barcelona or through the network of Italian honorary consular offices without having to travel to Barcelona.
In the honorary consular offices such as those in Valencia, Palma de Mallorca, Ibiza and others, the form of presentation has not changed. You have to make an appointment by email and wait for the procedure to be processed in the usual way, i.e. wait from 6 to 12 months depending on your luck, sadly,
Who can apply for an italian passport in Barcelona?
The submission of applications is done in person at the Italian consulate in Barcelona at 185 Aribau street.
The consulate accepts applications for Italian passports if they have less than 6 months validity although there is no legal support in this condition applied by the consulate.
This rule causes many problems for people who have to travel to countries in the American, Asian or African continent that require an Italian passport valid for more than 6 months.
The Italian Consulate in Barcelona is competent to issue passports to Italian citizens residing in the Consular District and duly registered with the A.I.R.E.
Residents who have not yet registered can apply for a passport only after uploading their AIRE application online through the FAST IT portal.
To avoid problems and delays in the delivery of the Italian passport as the Italian law states the civil status of the applicant the Italian passport is up to date with the Italian authorities, i.e. documents relating to events such as marriage, birth of children and divorce that have occurred outside Italy have already been submitted to the Italian consulate in Barcelona or to the competent municipality.
The Italian consulate states that if the documentation submitted is complete, the application will be processed immediately and, if there are no objections, the passport will be issued within a few days.
Validity of the Italian passport
The Italian passport is valid for 10 years, five years from 3 to 18 years and 3 years 0 to 3 years. The Italian passport fee is 116,00 euros for any passport and expiry date.
Of course, to process your Italian passport in Barcelona you can count on our Tramite Italia office.
Please take an appointment at our office in Barcelona or in Palma.